Kungur Ice Cave is the main attraction of the Urals. This is one of the largest karst caves in Russia and it is in the top ten longest gypsum caves in the world
The history of the Kungur Ice Cave is tied to the appearance and development of Kungur. Scientists believe that the Kungur Cave was formed 12 thousand years ago. Its length is about 6000 meters, 1500 are equipped for excursion routes.The first tourists visited the cave in 1914 and among them there was the German Princess Victoria von Battenberg.
Alexander Khlebnikov, a resident of Kungur, initiated excursions in the cave in 1914. He rented part of the land from the peasant community, cleared passages in the cave and equipped tourist routes.

617472, Perm Krai, Kungursky district, Filippovka village
tel. +7 800 700 17 33
E-mail: stalagmit@kungurcave.ru
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday from 10 AM to 5 PM
Friday - Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM
Sunday from 10AM to 5 PM

  • How to reach us?
    We are 2.5 km from the railway station and bus station in Kungur.
    route options
    1. city bus № 9
    Go to the final stop and then walk for 4-5 minutes. Landmark is the hotel with blue balconies, on the left in the direction of the bus.
    1. Taxi
    tel: +7(342 71) 2-20-20 / 3-30-30 / 25-9-25, or Yandex-Taxi application
    1. On foot
    Go from the railway station across the road to the right and continue along the footpath along the main highway

  • Visiting recommendations
    Temperature in the cave
    - in the first grottoes -3°C (26,6°F) to -25 (-13°F) (depending on the season)
    - in the central part of the cave +5
    - air humidity up to 97%
    Recommended clothing for visiting the cave in the warm season:
    - demi-jacket
    - trousers
    - closed shoes
    - cap
    - gloves

    We are pleased to offer you memorable souvenirs and products made from natural stones
    617472, Perm Krai, Kungursky district, Filippovka village
    Website: https://vk.com/public195724777
    tel. +7 909 102 11 95
    E-mail suveniri@kungurcave.ru

  • Hotel
    Not far from the cave is the hotel "Stalagmite". Address 617472, Perm Krai, Kungursky district, Filippovka village, Stalagmit tourist complex, building 2
    Booking and Room Information
    tel. +7 800 700 17 33
    E-mail: stalagmit@kungurcave.ru
    Contact us:
    VK: https://vk.com/kungur_ice_cave
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC04kimZXy2H0uOG6wsifW0Q

  • Additional Information
    - photo and video shooting is allowed
    - entry to the cave with animals is prohibited
    - the tour route is not suitable for pushchairs

Myths and Legends
The cave ghost and the Lake of Maiden's Tears
Once there was a beautiful, but proud girl. Many people wooed her, but she rejected them all. She said, "If you conquer me with precious stones, I will get married, but if not, then I will not!".
But by then, she was single. She gave a vow, "As long as I walk on the earth, I will not get married!". But one day a young merchant came to woo her. The girl reminded him about her vow, and the cunning merchant offered, "Not upon the earth, but under it we will get married to you. I promised to shower you with precious stones."
The girl was flattered by the wealth and took his offer. The young people got married in the Kungur Ice Cave. As soon as they exchanged rings, the young guy turned into a wrinkled old man with a thin beard, he was a cave ghost. All the precious stones melted like ice.
Unhappy Beauty locked herself in a stone cell above an underground lake and she was crying that she had exchanged her youth for the ghostly riches. Finally, she cried a whole lake of maiden's tears under the cell.

Among the settlers of the Kungur prison there was a legend that in the Ice Cave there was a devil that kidnaps children and young girls. In those days, in the XVIII century, people really often disappeared here. In 1793 soldiers caught a strange shaman talking in an incomprehensible language. He had a female mummified hand with a ring on the finger. The soldiers didn't get any information from the shaman, they decided to execute him, and the hole was covered with earth. Since then, people have stopped disappearing.
In one of the grottoes of the cave there is a pyramid, which is a portal to go to a parallel universe, and mysterious creatures from other worlds can also appear from this portal. But this is just a myth, and so far no one has been able to find this pyramid.

  • Standard sightseeing excursion 1,5 hours 0,93 miles:
    weekdays —13.08$ for adults over 15 years-old. 9,16$ for children 5-14 years old;
    weekend — 15,7$ for adults over 15 years-old. 11,77$ for children 5-14 years old.

  • Sightseeing excursion with a laser show 1,40 hours 1,12 miles:
    weekdays — 15,7$ for adults over 15 years-old. 10,46$ for children 5-14 years old. 13.08$ for students and pensioners;
    weekend — 18,31$ for adults over 15 years-old. 13.08$ for children 5-14 years old

  • Excursion "Revived history" 1,5 hours on Saturdays 0,93 miles:
    weekdays — 14,39$ for adults over 15 years-old. 10,46$ for children 5-14 years old. 10,46$ for students and pensioners;
    weekend — 17,01$ for adults over 15 years-old. 11,77$ for children 5-14 years old.

  • Excursion "Legends and myths of the Ice Cave" on requests, groups of 15 people and more:
    weekdays — 14,39$ for adults over 15 years-old. 10,46$ for children 5-14 years old, 10,46$ for students and pensioners;
    weekend — 17,01$ for adults over 15 years-old. 11,77$ for children 5-14 years old.

  • Excursion "Travel through time" on requests, groups from 4 to 10 people:

    19,62$ for adults over 15 years-old. 10,46$ for children 10-14 years old.

    Orphans, disabled children, and veterans of the Great Patriotic War can visit the Kungur Ice Cave for free. Pensioners and students can attend the Ice Cave with a discount of $7,85$.

  • The cave also hosts thematic excursions for groups upon prior request:

    Legends and myths of the Kungur Cave: 1,20 hours 0,87 miles .
    In search of Ermak's treasure: 1,30 hours 0,93 miles.
    Tales of Bazhov: 1,20 hours 0,87 miles.
    Khlebnikov's path: 1,20 hours 0,87 miles
    Cave tales about the mammoth: 1,30 hours 0,93 miles.
    Challenge by darkness: 1,30 hours 0,93 miles.

What to see in Kungur?

Kungur is the most beautiful ancient city in the Urals, which is located in the heart of the Perm Krai. Every corner is saturated with past and present, centuries-old traditions and modern culture. Merchant streets, museums, master classes in folk crafts, aeronautics and ballooning, visiting the Kungur ice cave can become a wonderful vivid remembrance.

  • Yermak Village
    Yermak Village is an ethnographic park of peasant life, named after the Cossack Yermak, who, according to legend, stopped here before going to Siberia.
    The ethnographic park is located on the tourist complex territory next to the Ice Cave. This is an old village with "Yermak's Hut", "Craft Yard" and many wooden sculptures: a mill, a well, a shaman, "Yermak's Golden Boat", etc.
    Yermak Village tells us about the history, ethnography and culture of Russian people. Traditional Russian holidays and various thematic excursions are held on the territory of the park. Nearby is a clearing with the heroes of Russian fairy tales, the hut of Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal.

  • Yermak stone
    One of the most picturesque natural objects in the vicinity of Kungur is the Yermak stone. This rock formation is located on the banks of the Sylva River. The Yermak stone is composed of heavily weathered sedimentary rocks. These are limestones and dolomites, formed in deep geological antiquity at the bottom of the Perm Sea.
    At the top of Yermak Mount there is an observation deck. The site offers a breathtaking panorama of the Sylva river valley and its banks overgrown with taiga forest. You can clearly see the railway, which passes in this place almost at the very water and repeats the bends of the river.

  • Museum of the History of Merchants
    The museum is located in the building of the Small Gostiny Dvor. This trading building was built in 1874 by the tea merchant Mikhail Ivanovich Gribushin. The exposition of the museum shows the life of Kungur in the 18th - early 20th centuries through the history of its commercial and industrial world.

  • Samovar Monument
    In the middle of the 19th century, the city of Kungur in the Perm province became the tea capital of the Russian Empire. It was the Kungur merchants who were the owners of 2/3 of the Russian tea trade, having tea houses and tea-packing factories in Kungur, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa and other major Russian cities. In 2009, a monument to the samovar was erected.

  • Aeronaut and Balloonists’ Square

    In the center of the Aeronaut and Balloonists’ square there is a bronze sculpture of the youth Nikitka. Legend says that during the time of Ivan the Terrible, a boy, dreaming of flying like a bird, attached makeshift wings and jumped from the bell tower of a church in Moscow. For his unprecedented flight, he was brutally executed by the king. In Russian history, the brave man and dreamer remained as Nikitka the Flier, and his image became a symbol of all types of aeronautics. This flight is considered the first successful free flight.

  • Ural Sky Fair
    One of the most memorable summer holidays in the Urals takes place annually in Kungur. Throughout the whole week, the guests of the Ural Sky Fair participate in a rich entertainment program and watch the flights of hang gliders, paragliders, paragliders, ultralight aircraft and, of course, hot air balloons.
    This festival has been held since 2002. Every year Kungur receives more than 80 thousand spectators, including not only residents of our country, but also guests from near and far abroad. In 2023, the holiday is included in the National Calendar of Events in Russia.

617472, Perm Krai, Kungursky district, Filippovka village
tel. +7 800 700 17 33
E-mail: stalagmit@kungurcave.ru

PHOTO CREDITS: rawpixel.com
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